Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
I’m Debby Greenlaw, a baby boomer who traded her suburban Charleston-style home for a farm house in the country; replaced her skirts and lab coat with T-shirt dresses and comfortable work shoes; happily shovels goat poop at the crack of dawn rather than sitting in rush hour traffic; and now provides more “patient” care to farm animals than people.
Along with my best friend and husband Pete, we bought and subsequently restored a 14 1/2 acre farm in Prosperity, South Carolina. We share Green Pastures Farm with a cadre of dairy goats, chickens, a mini donkey, a barn cat, and a playful pup. We cultivate fruit, vegetable, herb, and natural dye gardens. Over the past decade, we have taught ourselves skills that were once common to our ancestors, from delivering baby animals to winemaking to spinning fiber and weaving fabric.
This website shares the skills learned, adventures experienced, and insights gleaned on farming and fiber, goats and gardening, and everything in between. My desire is that it brings a smile to your face and inspires you to pursue your own creative passions.
Author of 'Krokbragd: How to Design & Weave’ and ‘Krokbragd Patterns’
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