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Weavers around the world have been searching for a book that explores the delightful motifs of the Scandinavian weaving technique known as krokbragd. Krokbragd: How to Design & Weave fills that niche and provides a comprehensive look at this beautiful weaving technique. In this book, Debby Greenlaw brings together the traditional aspects of krokbragd with a fresh, contemporary approach to creating stunning textiles. You will explore the structure and design of krokbragd for the floor, table, and rigid-heddle looms. In addition to traditional single krokbragd, exciting variations such as double point krokbragd and turned krokbragd are also covered. Each topic is supplemented with a project that allows the weaver to gain hands-on experience with the technique.Krokbragd: How to Design & Weave is filled with weaving tips, detailed illustrations, and step-by-step photography. Debby provides guidance on yarn and color selection, design, and finishing techniques to create and weave uniquely personal krokbragd pieces.Whether you’re a weaver or a lover of Scandinavian textiles, you’ll enjoy Krokbragd: How to Design and Weave. Add it to your library; you’ll be delighted!
Imagine the most perfect book ever to teach a weaving structure or technique. This is that book. Debby Greenlaw has taken her love of krokbragd, the colorful, weft-faced Scandinavian weave structure, and explored and explained it in the clearest, most thorough, and most inspiring way imaginable.
Krokbragd is a wonderful weave structure, simple, versatile, and accessible with the simplest loom. I expect and hope that Greenlaw’s book will inspire a multitude of weavers to explore its infinite possibilities.
—- Anita Osterhaug Excerpts from Handwoven Magazine, November-December 2019
After inspiring readers with traditional Krokbragd, she [Debby Greenlaw] explains how designs are created and woven using easy to understand graphics. Detailed instructions make this an excellent book for beginning weavers, but it is assumed that the weaver has a basic knowledge of weaving terminology and fundamentals of how to warp a loom. Directions and tips for weaving Krokbragd on table and floor looms are covered. Comprehensive instructions for weaving on a rigid heddle loom are also included.
—- Melodie Usher Excerpts from Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, Fall 2019
I always get this funny feeling when a new weaving book arrives on my doorstep. It’s a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Will this book change my life? Will this book be a total waste of money? Will this be a valuable addition to my weaving library or will it be relegated to the charity bin?
Well, I can assure you that Krokbragd: How to Design and Weave by Debby Greenlaw is not in the least disappointing and is, in fact, very impressive!
This book is so comprehensive, so affordable and there is no fluff or overkill. Just the style I love! I admit that much of what is written and taught in the book is not new to me, but it certainly gave me food for thought on a few levels.
But, to be honest, what I love most about this book is that as you read, you feel you are talking to a weaving friend, not someone who has been weaving since forever ago and wants you to know that they know infinitely more about weaving than you do! (Have you ever had someone come across like that in a book?!) It is obvious that Debby has written this book out of a love of weaving and a joy of sharing.
—- Kelly Casanova Excerpts from kellycasanovaweavinglessons.com
We finally have a comprehensive resource for learning Krokbragd. Debby's book is excellent. I can honestly say that this is the only weaving book that I've read cover to cover (or at least skimmed every page) - and I own dozens of weaving books. It helps that I'm about to teach Krokbragd for the first time.
I love this book. i just got it today and i've already read the entire book. i'm a newer weaving (weaving for 8 months) and this book has so much detail on how to do what looks complex with ease. the directions are clear, concise, and the pictures are clear and inspiring. if this is a style of weaving you'd like to try jump on this book, trust me, you won't regret the purchase.
Clear photos and descriptions of basic and some advanced techniques of this weave structure. Nice list of resources for further study and projects from other books and weaving magazines in the back of the book. The projects included assist understanding of the structure (this is not a project book - this book will help you design your own!) I'm gonna bet that this is one of those weaving books that - when out of print - will sell for 2 or 3 times list price because of its usefulness.
This book provides valuable information for a beginning Krokbragd weaver. Good explanations on how the weft interacts and creates the design. She also includes some lovely patterns to help one get started right away. A weaver does need to know the basics of weaving, but this book is an excellent intermediate source of weaving information. Finally, all the information on Krokbragd in one place. Thank you for writing this for us.
Packed with information on this technique and on weaving in general. Includes three different ways to weave on a rigid heddle loom as well. Includes how to design your own patterns, color theory, finishing, history - nicely written and illustrated.
Really loving this book. Enjoying the historical information as well as the clear explanations on patterns. Great photos and illustrations. Just what I have been looking for.
I wish this book would have been available a few years ago when I was weaving krokbragd. the author has done an excellent job
This book is the best book I have ever seen on Krokbragd. If you like this weave structure this book is a must for your weaving library