Tour de Fleece
I'm currently in the midst of The Tour de Fleece. What is that you ask? The Tour de Fleece (TdF) is an online spin-along started in 2006 by Star Athena, a knitter, teacher, designer, and spinner. The idea is to spin yarn along with the Tour de France; they spin, we spin. This year, the Tour de Fleece started on Saturday July 1 and runs until Sunday July 23th, 2017.
The first year TdF started with just 16 spinners. The following year it grew to 138 spinners. Now there are nearly 10,000 participants worldwide. I am participating on the wildcard team 'Wool n Spinning'. For those of you on Ravelry, we're here.
The goal of the Tour de Fleece is simple: Challenge yourself. Spin. Have fun.
Tour de Fleece Ravelry logo
Spin every day the Tour rides, if possible. Saturday July 1 through Sunday July 23th. Days of rest: Monday, July 10th and Monday, July 17th. (Just like the actual tour.)
Spin something challenging on the challenge days (usually the toughest high mountain stage: this year, it’s Stage 9, on Sunday, July 9th, when the riders will take on 3 mountains with a steeper than 10% grade, and Stage 15, on Sunday, July 16th, when they will face high altitude and steep grade!
Wear yellow on Sunday July 23th to announce victory. (Yellow is the color of the race leader in the Tour).
So, I'm writing this on Day #13. Here's my Tour standing:
Despite the heat and humidity, I've spun everyday for at least an hour. No rest day needed for this spinner! I've completed these spin 'stages' so far without any major crashes!
2 skeins of Romney wool 2-ply yarn for a total of 263 yards.
1 skein of Merino wool Navaho plied for a total of 153 yards.
Challenge Day - Art yarn - 35 yards
My challenge was to try to spin 'beehives', some were successful and then there were . . .
. . . loops . . . and also . . .
. . . coils!
What's ahead of me . . .
Hand-dyed Lincoln wool singles waiting to be 4-plyed.
Merino wool top I hand-dyed.
I'll leave you with this link to a fun YouTube video from Team Spin-Off. Enjoy!!!!