Krokbragd Patterns
February 14, Valentine’s Day, will mark the one year anniversary of the publication of my first book, Krokbragd: How to Design & Weave. While I celebrate the accomplishment of one of the items on my bucket list - to write and publish a book - I am also honestly amazed at how enthusiastically the book has been received.
I am profoundly grateful for each of you who purchased the book, told someone else, wrote a review, sent a comment, asked me a question. I have met some of you in person and may encounter a few more in life’s travels, but most of us will probably never meet and yet I have experienced the warmth of your words and welcomed your support.
What better day than Valentine’s Day to virtually send my love and lasting appreciation!
Image from Unsplash by Debby Hudson
Now some of you astute observers may have noticed that ‘first book’ was bolded in the opening sentence of this post; that’s because there’s going to be a second. I’m writing a sequel!
This customer review on Amazon got me thinking . . .
This book is not a collection of patterns. It is about the process and design . . . I was looking for patterns, not a text book. Why is it so hard to find a book of patterns on Krokbragd?
I hear you! My new book is Krokbragd Patterns. Not only will it be a collection of patterns, but it will also include how to combine those patterns into projects. I will expound on some of the topics and explanations in the first book, provide more on design and color, and I’m planning a few surprises that I’m keeping under wrap for now. I’ve already begun diagramming and writing drafts for the patterns and I have a rough outline of the chapters. I’m anticipating a publish date around this time next year.
Image from Unsplash by Tim Marshall
*** Invitation ***
I am inviting you to be a part of my new book by being a test weaver. My reasons are several:
In addition to the pattern graphics and drafts, I would like to have photos of the woven samples. Trying to weave all these myself is daunting and I would like to publish the book in this decade!
Despite my very best efforts and strict attention to detail, I still had some errata in the drafts in my first book. Needless to say, I want to minimize, no, I want to eliminate that from occurring again. Testing drafts by additional eyes and hands would allow me to catch and correct any errors BEFORE publishing.
Many people would love to be published, but either don’t know how or don’t want to spend their energies learning the process. This provides an opportunity.
What will you receive in return?
A sneak peek of pattern draft(s) included in the book.
An opportunity to see your name and woven project in print.
A free signed copy of the book when it is published.
A new BFF, me!
Is this for you?
If you can weave, yes! Please consider this invitation. I am asking you to weave a small sampler project and provide me feedback on the draft.
What do I do now?
Currently I am just seeking interest in being a test weaver. This is not a definite commitment. Once I get a group of interested weavers, I will provide all the particulars. Click below to contact me.
Contact Me
Please spread the word of this invitation to your friends, guild members, weaving related social media!
Thank you!