All tagged Goats

Cashmere Dehairing

Today’s post is a follow-up to ‘Cashmere Gathering’, which I published a while back. In that article, I wrote about the history and characteristics of cashmere and about collecting cashmere from my own goats. Readers wrote asking me how I dehair and prep my harvested cashmere. So, in this post, I'll share my process.

Twill "Flowers"

While searching older Handwoven magazines for a project that would "stretch" my weaving skills, I came across a Beyond the Basics column.


This draft seemed like the perfect challenge, combining weaving with my love of flowers.

March Morning at the Farm

I thought I'd share some glimpses from my walk around Green Pastures Farm this morning.  It's a beautiful day . . . sunny, blue skies, the early Spring flowers and leaf buds are emerging . . . it's peacefully quiet except for the birds chirping and an occasional soft baaaaa from the goats . . . there's an earthy smell of freshly turned soil and a faint sweet scent of the Tea Olive blooms . . . the sun is beginning to gain warmth as it moves higher in the sky.

More [Really Cute] Baby Goats

Back with another chapter of 'The Baby Goats of Green Pastures Farm'.  This time it's Jill's triplets born on Saturday morning, February 25!  Yes, two doelings and one buckling, all weighing in at 4 to 4 1/2 pounds.  Mama and babies are doing great.  Here's a little video taken when the babies were about an hour old.

World's Cutest Babies

I'm know that is a very broad and grandiose claim.  And I also know you may disagree with me, thinking your child or grandchild or niece or nephew or even your puppy or kitten is the cutest.  But really, look at those faces.