All in Weaving

The Making of a Towel

Recently I was commissioned to weave guest towels for several customers.  For readers who are non-weavers, I thought it might be interesting to illustrate what goes into the making of a 12" x 17" guest towel.  It's more than just throwing the shuttle back and forth!

Fancy Fringe - Tutorial

I'm excited to bring you a video tutorial on a fancy fringe technique that includes braiding, interlacements, and beading.  I've worked the technique on a handwoven scarf, but it is not limited to only handwoven items.  This method could be used on any fringed item, whether handmade or purchased.

Samples & Swatches

As fiber artists and crafters, how many times have we heard the admonition "before you start your project . . . weave a sample or knit a swatch or spin a control or test dye a new color"?  I know that the vast majority of you are saying, "I never sample".  Am I right?  


The hope of my post is to bring a more positive light on this subject by sharing thoughts and ideas beyond the usual approaches to sampling and swatching.


Twill "Flowers"

While searching older Handwoven magazines for a project that would "stretch" my weaving skills, I came across a Beyond the Basics column.


This draft seemed like the perfect challenge, combining weaving with my love of flowers.

Let's Weave . . . Krokbragd

In previous posts, I've extolled my love of Scandinavian woven textiles; their simplicity of design, their colors, the variety of pattern motifs, and just the pleasure I find in weaving them.  


Today is another Scandanavian technique, this time from Norway, called Krokbragd.


Swedish Art Weave - Part 1

In my July post about Telemarksteppe (another Scandinavian weave), I wrote that I would be attending the MAFA (Mid Atlantic Fiber Association) conference and taking a 4 day workshop on Swedish Art Weaves with Joanne Hall.  

I will be sharing what I learned in a two-part series.  In today's post, I'll start with a finished project.


Inspired Color

Oftentimes, I find a new project is stalled by the process of color decisions. I'm sure you can relate, whether your creative medium is weaving or knitting or pottery or scrapbooking or home decorating or [insert your own].  There are so many color choices, where to start?


Let's Weave . . . Telemarksteppe

I'm intrigued by Scandinavian woven textiles.  I like their bright colors, their motifs and patterns, the intricacies of their weaving with frequent color changes.

I also love the charming names of their weaving techniques - dukagång (an inlay technque), krokbragd (a bound weave pattern), halvdrall (a Swedish block weave), krabba (another inlay technique), and rya (a pile weave).